npm emoji

Posts tagged with :npm:

i fixed my school's student info web scraper that i havent touched in months so its brand spanking new and reuploaded to npm ^_^ will definitely document better later but i am gonna use this to enhance mybla!
:scratch: :shipitparrot: SCRATCH SHIP: SSH FOR SCRATCH!!!:scratch: :shipitparrot: The past week I've been working on getting SSH over WebSockets working to allow for building SSH apps with TurboWarp, a Scratch fork with custom extensions. It required me to write Go code compiled for WebAssembly to get a full client working, but it does work! Introducing, - building blocks for SSH apps in Scratch. It allows you to connect to any Linux server provided it has a WebSocket tunnel to SSH (see websocat/websockify) like Nest! You can execute commands, have full programming control flow with Scratch, and more! You can try this extension today at ,or by loading bundle.min.js in the package through a NPM CDN (like jsdelivr) from the "Custom Extensions" tile. Git: NPM:
I finally finished my confetti thing for #angelhacks-site! :angelhacks: :pr: This is my first time working with Next.js :nextjs: and I wanted to see if I could code something with it without reading any docs! *How?* • Well, first I had an error, I couldn't start the dev environment! :pensive-wobble: To fix this I (somehow) installed next globally and that allowed my package.json :npm: to run next build • After that, I wrote the confetti code and implement it on a React :react: component but I also don't know any react so it didn't work :eggsdee: • So I added the confetti code into the already existing PhotoGallery component! :yay: Everything looked good, but then I got this error: ReferenceError: document is not defined :errors: • To fix that, I run my code client side after watching a small tutorial and it ended up like this:
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import styles from './PhotoGallery.module.scss'
import { Nunito } from 'next/font/google'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const nunito = Nunito({
  weight: ['400', '800'],
  subsets: ['latin']

export function Button({ children, fontSize = '7rem', ...props }) {
  const handleClick = () => {
    import('js-confetti').then(({ default: Confetti }) => {
      const confetti = new Confetti()
        emojis: ['🎮', '👾', '🕹️', '💻', '📸', '🎧', '🎨', '🪽']

  return (
    <button className={styles.button} onClick={handleClick} {...props}>
      <span className={styles.shadow} />
      <span className={styles.edge} />
        style={{ fontSize }}
        className={`${styles.front} ${nunito.className}`}>

function Image({ src, text }) {
  return (
    <div className={}>
      <img src={src} width="auto" />

export default function PhotoGallery() {
  useEffect(() => {}, [])
  return (
    <div className={styles.photoGallery}>
      <div className={}>
This was very fun to work with, and definitely I need to properly learn Next.js on the future. :salute:
Made a fun little npx package today: It let's you create a full MERN app using the command npx create-mern-ts-next-app app (Don't mind the crazy name lol [on a side note, I'm only slightly sure it works for everyone XD]). I was kinda bored in robotics class so I just cooked this up today. You can check out the code here: (for the executable) and here for the template:
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Today I selected the Dalle-2 images I'll use for the profile picture workshop! I generated them with the app some time ago. I also finished a V1 version of the code, but it stopped working because some errors on the package.json file :npm: . Also I made my own .gitignore file for this project!
Today I learned a bit more on how npm :npm: works, made a small test site with Astro :astro: to understand deployment and changed my VScode theme to Vitesse! :vsc:
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day 10 of #10-days-in-public: i'm currently running a purdue hackers hack night!!! for this hack night i changed the current time to display in lightning time ⚡ i imported my own npm package for the first time ever, which felt super duper weird. i also started working writing the explainer blog post, which is coming along nicely but i'm still not ready to share unfortunately :flooshed: i had a lot of fun working on this. it felt so good to be put back in a creative state, and #10-days-in-public really helped. thanks for the support :hug: @zrl can i have fudge now plz
day 5 of #10-days-in-public: @purduehackers/time version 0.1 is out, now featuring some basic docs and an overhauled api! while writing them i thought of a few more thing this package needs. will probably add those tomorrow. i want to start setting up an mdx blog soon & start writing a blog post about lightning time. hoping to do that asap this week, maybe when i'm back home.
day 4 of #10-days-in-public: i've been working on a raycast extension for lightning time ⚡ i didn't do very much today, but i closed an issue on the raycast extension. tiny update: charges now appear in the lightning time string, and a new action was added to allow you to copy the string without the charges. tomorrow probably also won't be a super productive day, but i expect to update the npm package to allow users to change the default color representation.
day 3 of #10-days-in-public: today is a travel day so i didn't get a lot done, but i've been making the raycast extension for lightning time that i made a couple days ago better. today i fiddled with regex to make the validation for commands that require you to input a string better. yesterday i added the hex codes for each color when rendering a lightning time string, which i like a lot because it's actually such a cool way to visualize how the colors are generated. (can you see it?) this weekend, i want to finalize the api structure for my npm package, set up a blog for purdue hackers, and start writing the explainer blog post. i would like to ship lightning time before the end of #10-days-in-public :D
Day 2 of #10-days-in-public: my npm package is now functional & you can play around with it! massive breaking changes will be made in the coming days but i'm glad there's something up now.
day 1 of #10-days-in-public: i published an npm package! but don't install it because it doesn't work yet, because i don't know what i'm doing and did it wrong. i have to go to bed but i'll figure out how to make it work tomorrow
Published my very first NPM package, feeling great!
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meant to sleep an hour ago 😭 i really need to stop staying up. having fun with reinstalling a broken npm :(
hey fwens :wave-pikachu: hope your day is going amazing! today i did math past papers and had a really exciting meeting for a project that i'm working on :)) also, i figured out some adulting stuff like rent and making meals and stuff :flushded:. (attached is the design i created for the ama w/ feross – i'm so excited for the event!!)
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medium sized ship 🚢 Some background: I make a ton of small projects, and end up having to build my own API routes just for a small backend functionality. Parsing, validating, and responding to the requests takes a while to implement and takes time from the project I’m trying to make. That’s why I built <|function-apis>. function-apis is a small express middleware that lets you define functions to automatically be available to the client. With as little as 11 lines of code, you can make an async request to the server and function-apis will handle the HTTP request behind the scenes. :github: :npm: also: I think my next project will be an NPM package name finder, because I tried like 20 different package names and they were all taken. :peefest: edit: the package `available` seems to work
🤞 Hopefully NPM gives me access to the conflict package name, because that just so happens to be what my almost finished framework is called, and the conflict package has been empty for 3 years, now with a deprecation message of “lol” :peefest:
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I finally learned npm link, how to make exports like module/export, and making cli tools with package.json’s bin
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HELLO I AM BACK WITH A 🚢 ITS COOL YALL WANNA SEE??? Introducing: Dialect! A programming language for people who want to not actually write functional :haskell: code but wanna feel like it. Wanna install the compiler? Run 💻 npm i -g dialect-lang and you can use dialup, the dialect compiler! OR visit and run it in your browser :chrome:! You can write webapps with it, or just write code. It compiles down to :js: and I've built a basic stdlib. Feel free to ask questions on how to use it here :) Oh and also here's the source:
I uploaded terminal games to npm so you can now install it and play it wherever
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Medium-sized ship!! :shipitparrot: 🚢 I just published an NPM package for logging in Node.js. I always thought that the console was boring and that it was hard to find what I needed, so I started working on Stump.js. The finished version has support for enabling/disabling debug mode as well as Discord webhook support. :github: GitHub: :npm: NPM:
Made an NPM module for getting Google Form responses
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Using an npm package to create a typerwriter effect for the coming soon text
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Studied the code of a friend on GitHub, and tried to learn from how she built something, and then try it out myself. ran an NPM install for the first time
the argument parser went somewhere! go get it on npm if you want (npm i --save yeow)
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i followed the npm package workshop and published an npm package :npm:
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I've been struggling to put together large-ish completed projects lately so I decided to just go all out and see how much I can get done in a day-ish. I just finished up ankylos ( a modular bootstrapper thing for node projects. Here's what it does: 1. Grab a preset to clone from. This will be copied to whatever destination you specify via a tarball from NPM 2. run ankylos bootstrap to read from the ankylos.config.js in the preset. this tells ankylos what plugins to install and configure. for example, the next preset automatically installs and configures the 'editorconfig', 'eslint', 'github', 'husky', 'markdownlint', 'pnpm', 'prettier', 'renovate', and 'vscode' plugins. it'll also send instructions for build scripts to set, dependencies, etc. ankylos will take care of the explicit dependencies in the preset first. then, it'll install your plugins (ive made like 10 of them for convenience) and install your plugin's dependencies (these are stages 1 & 2 of the bootstrap phase) 3. ankylos prompt you for project metadata and will insert your custom build scripts along with this metadata into a fully-filled out and templated package.json file. finally, ankylos will walk through each of your plugins and apply/copy the files specifies in ankylos.config.js 4. from there, pnpm install will bump you in to your new, modular, automatically-bootstrapped, linted, formatted, &lt;insert a bunch more buzzwords&gt; project! i only had enough time to create a next and node preset so be sure to check those out. anyway, i'm glad i was able to follow through with this and i hope y'all like it! p.s: you can check out all 16, yes, 16 projects from the ankylos monorepo on its dedicated npm org: anyway, i'll try my best to maintain this (it's in my best interest too so thats good) if anyone else decides to use it
I’m really proud that I worked this out!! Published smth on :npm:
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Yellow hellow everyone! It’s the first day of winter break, and now that all my school stuff’s finished (having handed in what might, in hindsight, have been one of the worst essays of my life), I’ve found myself quite pretty bored! I’m going to be challenging myself to build one cool thing every day (and maybe ship it either here or in #rishi if it’s smaller), so here’s the first one! I’ve found myself working with asynchronous hooks in React a lot; whether that be to fetch data or just do timed stuff client-side, the normal integrations just don’t really cut it for me. That’s why I built my own library for those kinds of hooks! @rishiosaur/async is built in Typescript, and has some awesome documentation as a result (Typedoc really comin thru), and has two hooks that I use a lot in my daily React life: usePromiseEffect and useAsyncEffect, both of which are modelled to look like idiomatic React (I’ve attached an example of their usage down below). :githubparrot: You can find the Github repo over at (feel free to star!), :npm: The NPM package over at, 🏗️ And the documentation over at!
Cloned a github repo, ran an npm install, and then modified the file in data.json- first time for all 3!
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Trying to fix some angular npm errors
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I'm gonna try to get @scrappy to react with as many emojis as possible, for no particular reason. When we arrived in space, there were shouts of "yay!" and "hooray!" I wanted to sleep, but the sunset was much too captivating. As I struggled to paint a representation of the masterpiece, my art was cut short by a reminder of our predicament. Our ship's Linux core had been damaged by a rain storm. Upon further inspection, is appeared as though the Rust installation on our ship's robot had been corrupted. We debated which language to replace it with; "Golang!" Matt said. "Swift!" Linus shouted. "Deno!" "JavaScript!" We decided on rewriting the robot's code using minecraft redstone (that way we didn't have to use npm). 15 years later, once we finished, we pushed to the GitHub repository. But wait! The robot's hardware was also severely crippled. We had to 3d print some parts, after getting the models from Google.
Learned my lesson about rolling my own CSS aha, and Hack Night helped me remember why I despise NPM and node
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Downloads are increasing tremendously
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Published another npm package "newsletter_hook".
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Just published my first npm package 🎉 Formal ship to come...
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