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Posts tagged with :google:

:kitty-dance: 🌸 *days of service ship incoming:* :kitty-dance: 🌸 Blossom 🌸 was held in Atlanta, Georgia from March 15-16th. working closely with the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta :girl-scouts:, i had the privilege of organizing a day-long event that brought together a team of high school female mentors and dozens of eager girl scouts. beginner girl scouts embarked on exciting journeys - from crafting their own PCB :pcb: keychains that they later had manufactured through #onboard to delving into an introduction of javascript :js: to code drawings on #blot the drawing robot. every girl went home with a unique new hardware or software project that they 100% created themselves, but most importantly, the confidence needed to pursue coding further :blobheart:. we also had a brilliant dinner (with ricotta balls :blobby-doughnut:) the night before with 28+ women in technology and STEM who guided us with their stories and experiences in their fields. all the high school mentors and i were fueled for the day ahead of us by the end of the night:half-salute:. it was so motivating to see girls who had never touched code before leaving the event with the confidence that they had a place in the world of technology & finished projects that they could show off. 🔗 website: :githubparrot: github repo: 📷 day of service photos: 🥂 women in STEM dinner photos: thank you to @MariannaLudensky @NilaRam @christina695 &amp; the whole <!subteam^S06A2EGQ29M|@blossom-team> for the wonderful event we pulled off, hopefully inspiring many girls along with each other through the process.
day 5 of #100-days-in-public couldn't sleep so I decided to start working on a semantic search tool, and ended up getting nerd-sniped by the history of search in general. I'm super tired tho now so I'm going to be
Day 29 of #100-days-in-public. Happy PI day! Today I worked on my site more for two and a half hours to get live responses(seeing responses as the AI writes) working, only to later in the day get paywalled by google. I am hoping it is just their changing capacity because it stops pay-walling me randomly. In other news I checked my website this morning to find one of the changes I made yesterday finally updated, so I can now post to my website! I expect to ship a version tomorrow.
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Playing around with Google's Teachable Machine for a project! I'm learning a lot about how camera access works with the web browser
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I built a student portal/site for my school! In the future, there may be AI and official district portal features thrown in as well, but at the moment it's primarily being used for my school's course selection since that's what's happening right now at school. I'm so happy to have finished building it! It's a project that I've been hoping to launch since my freshman year of high school but never had the coding expertise to execute, and now it's open-source and live for the 1,700+ students at my school to access! Using Next.js, React, and the magic of the Google Sheets API, I was able to sell the course catalog that my school has (and I now encourage you to check it out)! It's now available at :D It's been awkward walking around and seeing people compliment the project due to seeing my name in weekly announcements but I'm happy that it already has a happy user base even after being released for a short while.
Day 13 of #100-days-in-public. Today I tried to implement Google's AI into my webpage with some success. After I had a successful attempt I tried to make the code better but ended up just breaking it for the time being. In the background I have been playing around with my blot and having fun with it. I have a few ideas on how to optimize the drawing speed which I will try to implement at a later date.
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also worked on a lot of #onboard outreach on various niche discord servers. hack club is now AN OFFICIAL RESOURCE!!! on the keyboard atelier resource google sheet, and its just beginning of more to come!
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public! created a machine learning model using google's Teachable Machine and considering adding it to my site!
Day 2 of 10 days in public. I am leaving for a trip today, so I thought the most reliable idea is to post this now. If I do more later today once I get where I am going, I will talk about it tomorrow. Today I wrote out the main story line in its entirety except for characters and details, then watched a bit of a tutorial on making a text based rpg, but realized I needed to know what loops were, so I watched a video on loops, and then experimented with my newfound knowledge. I also tried to figure out how to use the app I got to code things in, but that will take more time. Here is a document with story and stuff:
totally not just grabbing random google images for stuff people request...
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Got Google Auth to work with Clerk, and now I'm finally able to replace [Insert Name Here]
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mmm, there's #100-days left of 2023 - what better way to kick things off than a revamp of my life? 💜 introducing, the latest edition of my portfolio which I started last year. featuring the comeback of my ✨ projects ✨ showcase, as well as a brand new purple theme + profile picture rotation based on my Slack profile pic over at! :slack: additionally, non-hacky stuff: I opened up (sourced?) my two spotify playlists @ my profile (psst listen to the alternate version its honestly better) and my React workshop @ buildingbloCS! go check them out, and feel free to reuse the workshop materials :roo-love: finally, i'm really excited to tell yall that my abstract on single-cell embeddings and spacial distributions (quite a mouthful tbh) has been selected for both a poster and oral presentation @ GIW ISCB-Asia 2023 :partyparrot: now comes the part where I go on an indefinite hiatus to work on my final paper, presentation, and poster + school summatives
hi! i’ve been a bit inactive in this slack but i’m officially back! just wanted to share a couple things i’ve been working on: marrow, markright, and the star of the show, arson! arson :fireball: is a programming language, around, well, ARSON! what else. (excuse the bad inside joke.)👇 here’s a demo of me writing a sudoku puzzle solver in arson with marrow, a text editor i’ve been working on using this amazing guide on writing one in c that i’ve been expanding upon! because i want my own vim alternative but mostly for funsies and to learn c. another things: markright! some people might know that i wrote my own markdown parser a while ago along with a web ui. the web ui has been improved and looks a lot better! (although i have a couple issues to fix in chrome). comes w/ google oauth (i kind of skimped on adding extra auth options) and a recursive filesystem. demo also below 👇 extra things i did or am working on icyi at! going forward planning to work on more hc-centric stuff!
I finally finished my confetti thing for #angelhacks-site! :angelhacks: :pr: This is my first time working with Next.js :nextjs: and I wanted to see if I could code something with it without reading any docs! *How?* • Well, first I had an error, I couldn't start the dev environment! :pensive-wobble: To fix this I (somehow) installed next globally and that allowed my package.json :npm: to run next build • After that, I wrote the confetti code and implement it on a React :react: component but I also don't know any react so it didn't work :eggsdee: • So I added the confetti code into the already existing PhotoGallery component! :yay: Everything looked good, but then I got this error: ReferenceError: document is not defined :errors: • To fix that, I run my code client side after watching a small tutorial and it ended up like this:
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import styles from './PhotoGallery.module.scss'
import { Nunito } from 'next/font/google'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const nunito = Nunito({
  weight: ['400', '800'],
  subsets: ['latin']

export function Button({ children, fontSize = '7rem', ...props }) {
  const handleClick = () =&gt; {
    import('js-confetti').then(({ default: Confetti }) =&gt; {
      const confetti = new Confetti()
        emojis: ['🎮', '👾', '🕹️', '💻', '📸', '🎧', '🎨', '🪽']

  return (
    &lt;button className={styles.button} onClick={handleClick} {...props}&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.shadow} /&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.edge} /&gt;
        style={{ fontSize }}
        className={`${styles.front} ${nunito.className}`}&gt;

function Image({ src, text }) {
  return (
    &lt;div className={}&gt;
      &lt;img src={src} width="auto" /&gt;

export default function PhotoGallery() {
  useEffect(() =&gt; {}, [])
  return (
    &lt;div className={styles.photoGallery}&gt;
      &lt;div className={}&gt;
This was very fun to work with, and definitely I need to properly learn Next.js on the future. :salute:
I am relevant on barb goo
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More google slide work and homework :/
Learning about extensions :google:
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More abuse of school google drive :bsod_smile:
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G-day! This morning, I added a sign up button to the website for my upcoming coding club-- connected to google forms. It’s simple, but it will work.
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:winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 10: Finally after all the tries Google Assistant is working on Raspberry Pi 4. Now I just need to make a cover for it ☺️.
:winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 7: Using a GitHub repo to use Alexa and Google assistant at the same time, hope it works on the first try 😁.
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:winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 6: Setting up Google Cloud Console and Amazon Developer Account for the Smart Speaker.
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day 4/10 project- smart music system, module1 set up a project in google cloud, initialized google assistant API, worked on integrating custom actions on the assistant console until noticed google was deprecating custom actions in a few months, so now thinking of integrating Alexa with my smart music system or finding a new way of setting my smart-speaker up.
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The end of the fifth day of #hardware-party / Winter Hardware Wonderland! :winter-hardware-wonderland: Can you believe it that we reached the half point of #hardware-party! I certainly don't ~~ Basic Project Description ~~ Plant Location Chooser is a project that helps you choose the right place to plant your flowers. This is calculated via the Humidity, Temperature, etc. After a basic summary let's jump into today's software changes! :ultrafastparrot: ~~ Changelog 1️⃣ Add the bluetooth functionality of the app after what it seemed like ages. 3 Hours! :eggsdee: 2️⃣ Learned in advance how bluetooth worked and a it was surprisingly confusing at first! 3️⃣ Create the Google Play Store page & project repository. The repo might not have anything at the moment but in the near future it certainly will. ~~ The Plan of the Future🤖 ~~ Push the app and the schematics to the repo and install the light module! Tomorrow is going to be an exciting! Project Repository
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a new project is brewing... :coffeeparrot: Google Chrome extension to pick up possible AI plagiarism by scanning the Google Doc that you are currently editing/viewing no idea how to build one soo here we go 💪
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Shipped a simple waitlist form today! User inputs their email in, API logs email into a Google spreadsheet + Discord channel via webhook, and sets a cookie so the user cannot sign up for a second time. The UI is pretty simple, but I learned a lot about integrating the various services inside one endpoint. 💪
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Workshop on cybersecurity with Google DSC in Singapore! 🔏
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I broke my Google Chrome; Episode 1,078,357,359,235,578
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2 weeks to go till Epoch, and here's the story of this sticker. It all started a few months ago when genius minds from all over the world decided to brainstorm ideas for stickers they'd like at Epoch. We decided we wanted stickers with local Delhi references for advanced humour. And one such idea was to make a sticker that says Horn Ok Please, with Epoch-ish Hack Club elements in there. For context, Horn Ok Please is written on the back of trucks and lorries prominently seen in North India (in South India, we just have Sound Horn) to alert drivers of vehicles approaching from behind to sound their horns if they wish to overtake, in a country like India where honking is the primary source of communication between you and the other vehicles on the road. Part of the idea was also to make it look like Horn Ok Please was written on the back of a truck. I said, "OK OK LMAOOO WE'RE MAKING A STICKER OUT OF THIS". Now I'm not exactly the most productive and efficient person out there, I thrive on deadlines. I would occasionally just visit the Figma file, do random stuff and close my tabs while I did not have exams, homework or both. Normally I'd be able to complete stuff while "occasionally" visiting but this one was a bit hard. There weren't many reference images I could find, other than a photo directly from the Wikipedia page. I somehow also found the same image from a frontal angle which helped me trace out the letters and create "Horn Ok Please" as an SVG (my Figma Pen Tool skills are unrivalled, they talk about my curves). I also needed some random art related to India, like peacocks and the Taj Mahal, so what I did was take photos from, remove their background and run them through (WHICH IS A GOD SENT BTW, credit to @OjasSomethin' for pointing this wonderful tool out) to give them a painted and vector-y look. I quickly combined them together but I realized it didn't have the same back-of-the-truck feeling and other people were quick to point that out. @deven then points out that I should do "Hack Ok Please" ("cos the H matches") and a few days later, there's a better reference picture of a Horn Ok Please in #design. In the thread where the image was posted, there was a lot of talk about getting the text bevels and shadows right along with identifying a similar font, which @sarthak narrowed down to a font called Syne, which fortunately was available on Google Fonts and I had it downloaded in no time. I decided to start with the background, and I wanted it to look realistic as possible. The question is, how do you make wooden planks in Figma? Sure, I could draw lines, and make it look realistic in a vector art sense but I wanted the right colour and texture. Well, what if I just placed a picture of wooden planks? That is exactly what I did, and it's called textures. A visit to gave me some quality seamless textures of wooden planks, and to make it pink I added a separate colour layer and decreased the opacity of the colour layer (I slightly colour-corrected the plank textures for it to be visible while still having the desired shade of pink). I also wanted the grooves (or gaps, whatever you call them) between the planks to affect the surrounding elements as if all the designed elements were actually painted on wooden planks. I did this by manually drawing out groove lines using the good ol' Pen Tool and giving it a slight drop shadow. The text. "Hack Ok Please!!". It needed bevels. Neither does Figma have an option for bevels nor could I find a plugin that gives bevels to text. Having lost all hope, I wandered around on YouTube hoping some Indian tech guy could help me out when an unexpected ally rose to the occasion: They could make bevels out of text input and export it into PNG - that was more than enough for me. I dragged the export across the browser and into Figma and used a freemium plugin called Image Tracer which I thought had already been exhausted of its 5 free trials but apparently not. I got an SVG, got box shadows using a wonderful plugin called oblique and added that stuff on top of the wood. Only the decorations remained. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have much creativity in this area. The corners of my reference image had floral-like colourful designs and I wasn't really sure about manually tracing it using the Pen Tool. The floral-like design reminded me of something I used to do with my mom when I was a kid, where basically I'd take an A4-sized paper, fold the paper in half, put drops of acrylic paint of different colours on the crease of the paper and fold it again to create something that looked like a butterfly. I thought that if I could do something like that with the right colours, I could take a good picture with my phone, remove its background, change its colours a bit and use it in my design. After begging my sister to help me (spoiler alert: she did not), I decided to steal my sister's paint (she's not on Hack Club, so she won't find out) and perform the sacred method of "squish painting". Long story short, it did not come out like I expected it to, it was too narrow and too green for my liking. (I wanted to take a picture of the result I got for the sake of this scrapbook post, but the paint stuck to each other and now I can't unfold the paper and tearing it doesn't seem like a good idea.) At this point, I decided to give up on everything else and trust the mighty Pen. By listening to the Doom OST theme song and Cocomelon songs on a loop, I traced out the basic lines of the floral designs and just randomly coloured them with every main colour I could find. By now, I was too lazy and uncreative to create my own assets, so I just screenshotted the flower thingy at the bottom of the reference image and then modified the colours a bit so that it matches the background colour of the sticker. Combine this with some smooth curves and spheres, and we have our decorations. To make it even more realistic, I got some grime and brush stroke textures from, removed their backgrounds, reduced the highlights a bit, increased the shadows a lot, halved the opacities and added the corners of the sticker. Oh and I almost forgot, there's a slight amount of noise at the very top to give it a slightly dirty/realistic feeling, using the Noise plugin. Adding noise textures to my designs is a reflex action at this point.
day 17/10 #10-days-in-public!! im on a fine thread on when the next day is and scrappy is the only thing saving me from losing to reese. may the Lord have mercy. fuck midterms man read a little more on the Go book! i read about the sync package and WaitGroup! ive been taking notes so thats why i am very slow at reading the book. also im using the command line to take notes, please dont judge me. its easier than having to switch to a google doc every time
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day 5 of #10-days-in-public! used google apps script + cf workers to automate sending emails to #epoch-ba signups
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day 4 of #10-days-in-public public, a little detour but was working on readme for a small google extension that can help people from procrastinating
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Day 2 #10-days-in-public This question required integration bi-parts, u-substitution and quadratic/linear division. Did have to use google to figure some part out.
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one of the officers of a honors society at school asked me to make them some sort of hours tracker that lets members of the society to sign up for tutoring slots for the last two periods of a day every day, but since our schedule is really weird, i needed to come up with some weird solution for it so i used a google apps script to pull the data from the public google calendar on our school’s website that they always update with the current school day and if there’s no school that day, and then format it and put it into a google sheet not bad for a 2 hour project at midnight if i do say so myself
:google: :hacktoberfest-2022:
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Made a simple blahaj (or any ikea product) stock tracker, built in google sheets + apps script
day 9 of the zachtoberfest! #10-days-in-public today, i added a optional day/time picker, so if you’re planning an event of some kind, you can filter through locations that are open at whenever you want to meet! also discovered that i went over my limit and now i owe google 50 bucks :(
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day 5 of the zachathon #10-days-in-public! today was mostly fixing bugs that crashed my computer and killed everything :threat: i also made it so that the sidebar scrolls to certain cards based on which marker you press on in the map and added links to the business’s website and google maps page! here’s the app I’m working on for these 10 days: &gt; A simple app to find the best meeting spots between 2 or more people, with the ability to filter between spots like cafes, restaurants, or more.
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