

0-day streak
WHW 7/8 This took multiple days to get working, but finally... the DHT22 sensor is connected to the OPi Also I was using my laptop's USBC charger and today finally found another one to use, so now the OPi doesn't need to compete with my laptop for battery
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WHW Day 6 Set up SSH into my OPi; installed a couple of packages. Will set up the DHT sensor tomorrow
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WHW Day 4/5 (combining these days since it's pretty much one thread of development and I couldn't write something up last night) Whew, today was a pretty rough day. Essentially, I decided to continually shoot myself in the foot. First the SD Card couldn't be read by Android, so I had to reformat using fdisk and mkfs Linux utils. Then the x86_64 Alpine image refused to boot and only then did it occur to me that the OPi 3 LTS was probably not running on x86_64... yeah, not my smartest moment. Since AllWinner SOC H6 is a 64-bit processor, I used the aarch64 image. After trying for a bit to create a bootable SD Card, I decided to give in... I'll use Armbian, which did boot. But I installed Armbian Jammy which apparently has broken wifi and ethernet drivers so I had to reinstall again... this time I chose to install Armbian Buster (which is the stable release behind Jammy, I think?) This time it actually decided to work 😄 So now I've got SSH setup, which is really cool! Finally I can disconnect my OPi from my monitor and not have to carefully make sure it does not fall off the entire time I'm using it... whew. Tomorrow I'll connect the temperature/humidity sensor to the OPi and hopefully get the cronjob that tells me if conditions are bad up and running.
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WHW 3 Got the hardware set up! Going to do a bit of midnight hacking, but technically that would count as day 4 since midnight is the next day... (Nobody ask why I have a pile of unsolved contest sudoku on my desk lol)
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WHW 2: Software today. Wrote a bit of code, neovim go crazy? Hardware tomorrow. Gotta get the HDMI input working, going to try booting Alpine from a USB. If all goes well I might be able to host a couple of things there tomorrow (just testing stuff, no stability yet).
WHW 1/10 My stuff came in the mail! Did a bit of reading on the OPI and unboxed (unfortunately couldn't do much more tonight since I was busy) but goals for tomorrow: • get display to work on OPi • get preliminary networking to work on the OPi (i.e. so I can SSH) • burn Alpine Linux onto the OPi • ssh into the OPi